
We are dedicated to preserving our beaches and the environment. Our community regularly carries out coastal clean-up actions, seeking to protect our natural treasures. In addition, we embrace decarbonization as an essential part of our environmental responsibility. We seek to reduce our carbon footprint through sustainable practices, aware of the positive impact this generates for future generations and for our planet.



Reducing is a powerful action for the environment. By consuming consciously, we save precious resources and minimize our ecological footprint. Small gestures, like reducing plastic use and opting for renewable energy, have a lasting positive impact. By reducing, we preserve our planet’s natural beauty and ensure a sustainable future for all.


Reuse is an essential practice to protect our environment. By repurposing objects and materials, we reduce waste production and demand for natural resources. Adopting reuse in our daily lives, such as using reusable bags and giving new life to items, is a valuable step towards a more sustainable and conscious future.


Recycling is a vital action for our environment. By separating and processing recyclable materials, we reduce our environmental impact and conserve precious resources. The act of recycling contributes to the reduction of pollution and promotes a more sustainable cycle. By doing your part, you help build a cleaner, healthier world for future generations.